Films: M
Made In India: A Film About Surrogacy
Vaishali Sinha, Rebecca Haimowitz
Magic & Monsters
Norah Shapiro, Elizabeth Foy Larsen, Christine Delp
Mai’s America
Marlo Poras
Make A Circle
Jen Bradwell, Todd Boekelheide, Rebekah Fergusson
Mama Has A Mustache
Sally Rubin
Mama Irene: Healer of the Andes
Elisabeth Möhlmann, Bettina Ehrhardt
Mamaliga Blues
Cassio Tolpolar
Man Seeking Ship
Marian Anderson: The Whole World In Her Hands
Rita Coburn
Gabriela Díaz Arp, Karla Claudio Betancourt
Meet Me at the Court
Evan Villari, Antonio Lopes
Memorial’s Undoing: Horror Without Monsters
George Zhu, Ari Laskin
Bree Laursen, Liz Roberts, Sarah Strunin
Monkey Dance
Julie Mallozzi
Monstrous Me
Ariel Baska
Mother Cake
Stephanie Schiavenato, Cheryl Furjanic
Mothers of Bedford
Jenifer McShane
Mr. Immortal Jellyfish Man
Dicky Dahl
Mrs. Judo: Be Strong, Be Gentle, Be Beautiful
Yuriko Romer
Mrs. Vera’s Daybook
Robert James