Ben Neufeld

Ben Neufeld is a filmmaker living in Los Angeles. His work focuses on the boundaries between documentary and fiction, often combining the formal conventions of the two in order to magnify or reflect the assumptions we make about truth. His most recent feature, THE SECOND JEWISH STATE, participated in the 2020 Visions du Réel Rough Cut Lab. He was born and raised in New York City, received his B.A. from Oberlin College, and an M.F.A. from the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts). His 2018 feature, aw · rah · nyoosh, premiered at Visions du Réel, and was an award recipient of the Princess Grace Foundation. Ben has exhibited domestically and internationally in film festivals, galleries, museums, TV broadcasts and a barge on the Daugava river. He owns and operates the post-production house Green Field Color in Los Angeles, and holds a faculty position at CalArts, where he teaches film post-production and color grading.