David Felix Sutcliffe
David Felix Sutcliffe is a Sundance and Emmy Award-winning filmmaker. His debut film (T)ERROR premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, received an Emmy Award for Outstanding Investigative Documentary and was acquired by Netflix. He was a consulting producer on Jonathan Olshefski’s QUEST (POV, 2018), Stephen Maing’s CRIME + PUNISHMENT (Hulu, 2018) a co-producer on Rodrigo Reyes’ 499 (Cinema Guild, 2021) and a producer on Débora Souza Silva’s BLACK MOTHERS LOVE & RESIST (Sundance-supported, 2023). His work has been funded by the Sundance Documentary Fund, the Ford Foundation, BBC Storyville, ITVS, and the Open Society Foundation, and he is a former Sundance Edit Lab and Creative Producing Lab Fellow, a Soros Equality Fellow and a Pew Center for Arts and Heritage Fellow.