Geeta Gandbhir

Geeta Gandbhir embarked on her career in narrative film under the guidance of Spike Lee and Sam Pollard. As a Director, credits include the series “Born in Synanon” for Paramount, “How We Get Free” for HBO, and “Lowndes County and the Road to Black Power,” which was  nominated for the 2022 Critics Choice Award, won a 2023 SIMA Award, and is nominated for two 2023 Emmys. She directed and show ran the series “Black and Missing” for HBO which won a 2022 NAACP Award for Best Directing, a 2022 Independent Spirit Award for Best Documentary Series, a 2022 ATAS Honors Award, and a Cinema Eye Honors for Best Series. Additional directing credits include a co-director and co-producer role in the “A Conversation on Race” series in collaboration with The New York Times Op-Docs.