Lee Adair Lawrence

Lee Adair Lawrence has been drawing people out so that she can effectively tell their story, be it for a feature on a young architect building community in the slums of Ulan Batur or for Chaplains Under Fire, a full-length documentary film about clergy serving troops in war zones. That film explores the work of military clergy through the lens of the troops they serve and the Constitutional issues they raise. the film opened at the Lincoln Center’s Walter Reade Theatre in NYC and was screened at, among other places, the Newseum and the National Press Club in DC. Lawrence then took the lead in getting the film before niche and general audiences, from church halls to schools to community centers, including veterans groups, seminary students, counselors, first-amendment lawyers and universities. She has contributed chapters to THE AMERICAN MOSAIC (1995) and WAR TRAUMA AND ITS WAKE: EXPANDING THE CIRCLE OF HEALING (2012). A number of her features have been cited in scholarly publications and her documentary on military chaplains is being used in chaplaincy programs, and VA medical research centers.