Megumi Nishikura

Passionate about using the power of storytelling to address some of the world’s most pressing issues, Megumi Nishikura believes that film can inspire change and promote understanding. Her award-winning independent film, HAFU- THE MIXED RACE EXPERIENCE IN JAPAN, screened theatrically throughout Japan and aired on PBS in the US. She also produced FALL SEVEN TIMES, GET UP EIGHT which aired on BBC World News and shed light on the experience of Japanese war brides and the short film MINIDOKA following Seattle-based activist Joseph Shoji Lachman, on a pilgrimage to the Minidoka concentration camp to understand the ordeals his family endured during World War II.
From environmental sustainability to racial injustice, her dedication to documentary storytelling led to a Rotary World Peace Fellowship, earning a Masters in Peace and Conflict Studies while continuing to produce films and videos. Working for the United Nations, she produced and directed documentaries on climate change and biodiversity loss, as well as stories of resilience in the face of natural disasters like the 2011 Tsunami in northeastern Japan. Through these experiences, she witnessed firsthand the