ADVENTURES IN MISCARRIAGE is a moving and entertaining (yes, entertaining) documentary by Emmy-nominated filmmaker Cheryl Furjanic that pulls back the curtain on miscarriage. After enduring a second-trimester pregnancy loss in a hotel bathroom three thousand miles from home, this heartbroken lesbian filmmaker navigates her ongoing grief using dark humor, surrealist vignettes, and absurdist fantasy to reveal how far we have to go to improve miscarriage care in the United States.
Using her own loss as the start of this adventure, Furjanic explores miscarriage in many forms: its history, its mental health impacts, racism in reproductive healthcare, emerging training being offered to promote better miscarriage care, and more – all against the backdrop of the war being waged on pregnant bodies as we speak. This forthcoming documentary takes audiences into the far reaches of the landscape of loss to show the shockingly cruel way people who miscarry are treated, and what we can do to improve it.