There’s a consciousness revolution going on in America today – an explosion of meditation practice or “mindfulness” that’s being applied to virtually every aspect of living. How did this astonishing circumstance come about?
LARRY ROSENBERG: LONG PATH HOME, tells the dynamic story of 84-year-old teacher/author Larry Rosenberg’s remarkable quest for self-discovery and how it gave rise to the Cambridge Insight Meditation Center, one of the most vital meditation practice communities in North America. Founded by Larry in 1985, CIMC became a pioneering urban refuge devoted to applying the contemplative practice of insight meditation to the challenging complexities of daily life in our troubled world. He is one of the people most responsible for introducing ancient Buddhist meditation practice to modern Western life. With exquisite penetration and unique humor, Larry describes his unusual personal journey; from humble Jewish beginnings in Brooklyn, through post-WWII Army years in occupied Germany, to a prestigious career in the academic world as a PhD professor in social psychology. But, during the counter-culture years, success did not prevent his eventual departure from the academy for a voyage to better know himself and achieve inner-peace.
Larry recounts his many-year intensive search for meaning with several spiritual masters and in diverse monasteries and retreat centers across Asia and America. As self-insight grew ever more clear by practicing meditation, Larry became convinced that Americans needed a non-residential contemplative urban center for lay practitioners, where Buddhist meditation would be offered to help people effectively face the challenge of relationships in the midst of chaotic daily life. And in 1985, the Cambridge Insight Meditation Center was born. Through Larry’s dedication, CIMC became an open, secular setting for people to discover that — by looking within — contemplation and daily life activity can effectively be brought together. As we witness Larry’s gripping vipassana teaching — dynamic emotional and intellectual encounters with students — we come to understand how vipassana meditation truly works and why Larry’s recognized as one of the world’s most revered insight meditation teachers. About to enter his 85th year in December, Larry reflects on the more than 40 years he’s been sharing the Buddha’s wisdom about suffering and the end of suffering, to help countless people on their individual paths to self-discovery, inner-peace and liberation.