SOULMATES cracks open contemporary dating by intimately exploring the lives of women in romantic and sexual relationships with spirits. This phenomenon has been reported on in tabloid newspapers around the world, but this film’s subjects have lived more quietly with their unconventional relationship – until now. This phenomenon has been reported on in tabloid newspapers around the world, but this film’s subjects have lived more quietly with their unconventional relationship – until now. Meanwhile, for those looking for love in the land of the living, it is nearly impossible to have needs fulfilled in a world suggesting we have reached gender equality yet still entrenched in patriarchal values that have not magically disappeared overnight. Seeking a radically new path may not be such a wild idea in a system that was never built to honor female desire, pleasure, and liberation. Aren’t we all bound by the limitations of society and experience? Don’t all relationships require some amount of projection, suspension of disbelief, a connection to the invisible and unknowable, all of which are explained away with more charming words like ‘ineffable’ ‘intangible’ ‘sparks’ and ‘chemistry’?