What if you woke up one day and couldn’t walk, speak, or recognize your loved ones? What if you were rushed to ER with blackout seizures, paralysis, incontinence and crippling nerve pain, only to be told by the doctors that you were self-inflicting your symptoms?

Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) is a disabling condition that mimics Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis and other degenerative conditions without causing structural damage to the brain. Recent research suggests that it may be a disruption of the signaling system between the brain and nervous system that causes physical reactions to misfiring neurons. Currently many medical professionals are conflicted about diagnostic and treatment options, and sometimes this means sending the patient home from the hospital with nothing more than a pamphlet that sends them to an informational website.

This film will portray the gripping true story of a young journalist suffering with severe FND symptoms who is determined to find treatment. It will include her engaging in thought-provoking conversations with physicians and therapists who are leading the field in research and treatment modalities. It aims to serve as a resource and guide for medical professionals and communities who have not heard about FND, or who have not received training on treating it properly. Its purpose is to humanize the patients who often suffer alone and in silence, as well as to shed light on the stigmatization that is sometimes unintentionally reinforced by healthcare providers. It will be utilized as an educational tool to inspire further research into the condition to help improve patient diagnostic and treatment outcomes.

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