THE WAKE UP CALL follows the endeavors of renowned prosthetist Dave Evans, who has worked tirelessly for decades in post conflict zones around the world trying to mitigate the unavoidable human collateral damage in the aftermath of war. From building a prosthetics clinic in Sierra Leone, to helping Syrian refugee amputees in Amman, Jordan, Dave’s work is nothing less than extraordinary.
Dave Evans is an electrifying character who lost both of his legs in a firefight in Vietnam. His story since that fateful day provides the framework within which fellow anti-war veterans eloquently address many issues related to war and the lessons we never seem to learn from senseless combat. In today’s environment of lies, propaganda and war mongering, this is a timely and important conversation. The characters in the film, despite having seen and participated in atrocious acts, have found a new sense of meaning that will be uplifting for everyone.
Dave’s goal is social justice for everyone involved in these conflicts. His commitment is to a world in which people directly affected by war get a chance to recover their dignity and human rights. His hope is that they be included in their post conflict societies so that they can live up to their best potential and have a direct impact on the communities and institutions that shape their lives.
The passionate words, hard-earned wisdom and stark images within THE WAKE UP CALL evoke the memories that bedevil all of these characters, the awakening that changed them forever, and the realities of war few people can know beforehand.